Hoo boy have we got a strange one this time. Join J, Missy and Chuck as we screen "Zombie Strippers" starring 10 time Hide the Sausage World Champion Jenna Jameson in a non-porn (ish?) role alongside Robert "Freddy was a long time ago and I need a Paycheck" Englund. Meryl Streep auditioned for this film, but wasn't cast due to her poor pole work technique. That probably accounts for it's stellar 38% on RT. We can still have a blast giving it the MST3K treatment.
On a serious note, HTC and F&F strive to make these events as inclusive and safe as humanly possible. We consider consent and respect paramount, as anyone hosting in the community should. At any given time there are not less than 3 safety monitors available to assist. Absolutely no one is required to participate in any activity they are not comfortable with. Our aim is to increase awareness and interest in ABF/ANR in a safe social environment, so simply watching without fear of being pressured to participate is always welcome. We encourage all attendees to take ownership and agency of their situations, however, if you would like assistance it is available to you. Your voice will be heard.
Cover charge is $15 payable via cashapp prepay. $20 at the door. We will message you with the tag when you RSVP. Yes, the cover charge went up, but we are able to offer more. We will have full access to the HOT dungeon and play rooms, as well as no expensive bar tab or tips. If you have any question about payment, go ahead and message me. Oh, J wanted me to mention that if you want to pay by bitcoin, contact him directly @Dragonslayer42TX.
Note on cash – Yes, we will accept cash/cashapp at the door. However, only prepaid attendees will count toward the 10 person minimum required to hold the event. No exceptions.
As we are being hosted by the glorious House of Training, the west end's premier dungeon, please acquaint yourself with the house rules. Everyone attending will be expected to abide at all times.
Aside from some bottled water and paper goods that will be provided, it's BYOB/pot luck. Bring what ya like, and maybe something to share. Sharing is caring. Don't be a dick.
Doors open at 7:30, movie starts at 8.
Check out website for flyers and updates:https://missyange1.wixsite.com/fetishesfantasies
Follow us on Instagram: @fetishes_andfantasies

Join our FetLife group to find out when we host events:https://fetlife.com/groups/229665